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Hollingsworth Tribute

Even before the funeral, tribute was paid to Chief Harold Hollingsworth:

Mary K Wilcoxon Gooseman's step-dauaghter, Louise Drake, found these pictures on facebook. The ladder truck is by the North Kansas City Fire Department.

Pictures from facebook, courtesy Louise Drake

Photo courtesy Mary K Wilcoxon Gooseman

Lexington Fire and Rescue, in which Harold Hollingsworth served for a number of years, also paid tribute to him. Please note the fireman's equipment on the bumper of the truck.

On the day of the funeral, the procession from the funeral to the internment in Macpealah Cemetery wound from the Lexington High School, where the funeral service was held, past Lexington Fire and Rescue on Highway 13, to downtown, then east on Main Street, and finally to the cemetery.

Photo courtesy Mary K Wilcoxon Gooseman

The Fort Osage Fire Department truck had the honor of serving in the role of a funeral bier, bearing its Assistant Chief to his internment.

Photo courtesy Mary K Wilcoxon Gooseman

Here you see Lexington Fire and Rescure vehicles in the procession passing under an arch of ladders. The arch was formed by ladder trucks from the Fort Osage Fire Department and the Lexington Fire Department.

Photo courtesy Mary K Wilcoxon Gooseman

Vehicles from fire departments over a wide area came to honor Chief Hollingsworth. In this picture, a truck from Shawnee, KS, is followed by one from Kansas City.

Photo courtesy Mary K Wilcoxon Gooseman

And, finally, an enormous number of cars and other vehicles bearing family and friends. Mary K Wilcoxon Gooseman took nearly a hundred pictures of the procession. She wrote to Your Faithful Webber, "...there were at least 40 departments represented... The State Fire Marshall had 2 cars and also the U. S. Dept. of Justice ATF National Response Team had a vehicle and well as the Patriot Guard Riders motorcycle group and the Independence Motorcycle Patrol... There were probably 200-300 vehicles..."