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Apples, Arts, & Antiques!

Lexington's "Fall Festival" of bygone years has morphed into today's "Apples, Arts, and Antiques". All three elements -- and more! -- are shown by Wally "Snaps" Hulver's photos:

Yup, here are the apples!
And the Arts are represented by Live! in Lexington's
Barbara Lee Fay.
And Missouri River Antiques Company has lots of antiques!
Some very pretty non-antiques! Billie Hulver and her granddaughters, Emily and Elena Conaty, of Lee's Summit.
John and Janie Giorza flank Your Faithful Scribe at the LHS Juniors' Chili stand. (Was the chili so hot that they really could charge $5 for water???)
And a fun visit by the Hulvers, the Coens, and the Lahues at
Riley's Irish Pub gives a warm finish to the day!

 Photos courtesy Wally "Snaps" Hulver '55