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Lexington Community
Fair Parade

This year's Lexington Community Fair Parade took place on Saturday, Aug. 20, the final day of the six-day festival. Our Roving Photographer, "Snaps" Hulver, was there to capture the moment for us!

As "Snaps" notes, it was a very nice size crowd that attended the parade. The group here watched from in front of the historic Court House.

Would you believe it? This is the 25th anniversary for the LHS Class of 1986!

Lou Wexler, Class Clown of the Class of '61 and his wife, gave Ronald McDonald a run for his money!

Amongst the crowd were Debbie Entine '65, Sharon Shurmantine McGinnes '65, and Billie Hulver '58

And Lexington's' newest restaurant was there! It's very popular and quite good, so we are given to understand!

 Photos courtesy of Wally "Snaps" Hulver '55