Still more changes!

Shabby Dome

At the beginning of the year, the old City Hall dome and roof looked like this. Not pretty.

Refurbished Dome

Quite a change! And quite an improvement!

New Pizzeria

This is the house that formerly was on North 10th Street. After being moved to the corner of 14th Street and Franklin, it was for a time a winery store. Sad to say, that store did not have time to prosper.

But now we are going to have a new pizzeria! It will feature an outdoor patio with umbrellas (visible to the right of the house in this photo), so that you may share your artichoke and asparagus pizza with the flies.

If you look carefully, you will notice that the color scheme more or less uses the colors of the Italian flag. What could make it more authentic?

New Pizzeria

We trust that none of our readers have any fond memories of the old jail! Which has now been reduced to rubble, as you see. The concrete wall of the new jail can just be seen in the background. Once the rubble is cleared away, new facilites for the Sheriff's Office will be appended to the new jail.