TLC Logo 2007 Homecoming Pep Rally

We were reminded a while back that, fifty years and more ago, the Homecoming Pep Rally held on the Courthouse steps and we wondered if that tradition still continued. Sure enough, it is, and Faithful Stringer Wally "Snaps" Hulver, '55, sent pictures of this year's event. But, as you shall see, this year was different!

It would appear that another coffin turned up out at the cemetery with an old and unknown Minuteman in it! And he was brought to the rally to inspire the team and the school with a rousing pep talk!

Photos courtesty Wally Hulver, '55

But wait! We recognize him! It was that really ancient Minuteman, Don Coen, '55! Golly, how did such a mix-up take place? Was Don just taking a nap on his job as Sexton at Machpelah?

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